what is an abacus

A few decades later scientific calculators evolved into programmable calculators able to display graphs and images on bitmapped LCD screens. Eight plus 4 equals 12, so you’ll carry the one over to the tens place, making it 1. Abacus learning makes the calculation process easy and interesting. Having said that, calculations and numbers are part of our everyday lives. Not much is known of its early use, but rules on how to use it emerged in the thirteenth century. The oldest abacus survived to the present day, is the so-called Salamis abacus.

what is an abacus

How to add numbers by using an abacus?

In 1972 the Hewlett Packard HP-35 scientific calculator made the slide-rule obsolete. The abacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in Asia and “Chinatowns” in North America. The abacus is still taught in Asian schools, and a few schools in the West. Blind children are taught to use the abacus where their sighted counterparts would be taught to use paper and pencil to perform calculations. In 1958 Lee Kai-chen published a manual for his “new” abacus designed with 4 decks (it combines two abaci; the top abacus is a small 1/4 soroban and the bottom one is a 2/5 suan-pan). According to the author, multiplication and division are easier using this modified abacus and square roots and cubic roots of numbers can be calculated.


  • Abacus, a counting frame, is a primitive yet innovative tool used for arithmetic calculations.
  • Today we find the oldest surviving counting board to be the Salamis Tablet.
  • It also influenced the education system of different countries.
  • The recognition of abacus in various countries has been commendable and motivating due to which many organizations have been opened to educate the people about abacus.
  • It has a total of seven beads, out of which two beads on the rods on one side and 5 beads on the rods on the other side of the divider.
  • As the abacus came to be used solely for counting and computing, its form was changed and improved.
  • Sumeria , the calculator by Mesopotamians, has the earliest records during the time 2700 and 2300 BC.
  • It is believed to have been found on Salamis, a Greek island, in 1899, hence the name.

In the Roman abacus the board was given grooves to facilitate moving the counters in the proper files. The exact origin of the abacus is unknown, but bead calculating devices emerged independently across many ancient civilizations. Both the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece used abacuses, but evidence dates back thousands of years earlier to Mesopotamia and Egypt.


“AbacusandVedicMath” carries out A national and worldwide online course seeks to instill a love of mathematics and dispel math anxiety. The curriculum is created in a way that makes learning more engaging for the kids. Sanchez wrote in Arithmetic in Maya that another base 5, base 4 abacus had been found in the Yucatán Peninsula that also computed calendar data.


This was a finger abacus, on one hand, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were used; and on the other hand 0, 1, 2, and 3 were used. Note the use of zero at the beginning and end of the two cycles. It is believed that the first abacus was made by Ancient Mesopotamians of Sumeria .

Is an Abacus Faster Than a Calculator?

From Greece and Rome to Russia, China, and Japan, abacus design and precision evolved. The approximate timeline of abacus like instruments can be given and no specific date can be given. Sumeria , the calculator by Mesopotamians, has the earliest records during the time 2700 and 2300 BC. Though it can’t be stated clearly but the Ancient china is attributed for the early use of abacus.

A brief history of Abacus

  • In the 21st century, portable counting devices rarely exist as separate entities.
  • The basic need that led to the development of this device was the need to compute larger calculations.
  • The abacus is also an ancestor of the modern calculator and computer.
  • The Babylonians, Ancient Chinese, Japanese and Russians all used a calculating tool similar to a modern-day abacus.
  • Additionally Romans invented other types of Abacus such as the dust Abacus, the line Abacus, the grooved Abacus.
  • Earlier operations like counting were performed on hands or using Vedic maths but larger operations require more calculations.
  • Compare the quick rate of progress in last one-thousand years to the slow progress during the first one-thousand years of civilization.

Then, as even larger quantities (greater than ten fingers and toes could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles, sea shells and twigs were used to help keep count. Each bead represents a number, usually 1 or 5, and can be moved along the rods. Addition and subtraction can easily be performed by moving beads along the wires of the abacus. The origin of the Abacus has yet to be discovered, but it is believed to have originated in ancient China around 500 BCE. Abacus then spread throughout Asia, becoming one of the world’s most widely used mathematical tools.


The beads are moved up with the thumb and down with the index finger. Borrow digits from the previous column instead of carrying them over. If you are subtracting 867 from 932, enter 932 into the abacus, start subtracting column-by-column starting on your left. The first numbers to be added are the 1 and the 5 from the thousands place, moving the single bead from the top row of that column down to add the 5, and leaving the lower bead up for a total of 6. Likewise, to add 6 in the hundreds place, move the top bead in the hundreds place down and one bead from the bottom row up to get a total of 8.

The evolution of the counting device can be divided into three ages: Ancient Times, Middle Ages, and Modern Times.

The Chinese abacus was known as the suanpan, it is believed to have been in use since at least the 2nd century BCE. It is believed that Mesopotamia used an abacus for going back during 2700 B.C. Additionally, it was also used in other civilizations such as Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Persian, Roman, etc. The invention of a numeral system allowed numbers to be broken up into units, tens, hundreds, and so on.

  • The main difference that one witness between the Chinese Abacus and the Russian Abacus is the position of its rods.
  • Abacus is also an academic accounting journal published and edited by the University of Sydney.
  • During the brief period when pocket calculators rose in popularity, the Sorocal/Sorokaru, a hybrid abacus digital calculator was manufactured to help abacus users in the transition.
  • Abacus is a multi-sensory, ancient calculating tool that helps children understand math interestingly and easily.
  • Affluent merchants could afford small wooden tables having raised borders that were filled with sand (usually coloured blue or green).
  • Its origin can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and Greece.
  • Pushing one bead from the top row to the center counts as five.

More Powerful than a Calculator

An abacus is a manual calculator that uses sliding beads to represent numbers. The rows and columns of beads represent the digits in your number. Talking of the structure of the Abacus, it has one upper and four lower beads in one rod. Abacus has 17 rods abacus market in a standard Student Abacus or teacher Abacus. The divider is used to separate the left and right strings of beads. It has a total of seven beads, out of which two beads on the rods on one side and 5 beads on the rods on the other side of the divider.

Medieval Europe

Before the invention of Computers, calculators, or even arithmetic using paper and pencil, the Abacus was mostly used for counting numbers. Before the invention of the Abacus, the only methods people used were their fingers and toes for mathematical calculations. In this article, we will discuss the Abacus meaning their application and Abacus for kids. In summary it can be concluded that abacus, not only is a great device for calculation but also a great tool for mind development and focus in children. It is great to see such great calculations being solved efficiently using a tool. The recognition of abacus in various countries has been commendable and motivating due to which many organizations have been opened to educate the people about abacus.

The beads in the top row represent the number value 5 and each bead in the bottom row represents the number value 1. There is evidence that people were using abacuses in ancient Rome (753 b.c.e.–476, c.e.). It is the most primitive form of a calculating device, invented somewhere between 300 and 500 B.C. As one can imagine, how difficult it would be to count without numbers.

Evolution of Counting Devices

what is an abacus

So, they can be introduced to Abacus training, after that they can start practising addition and subtraction. Ancient Romans utilized stones as counters up and down on a smooth table to do calculations. It was developed to help bankers and money changers, businessmen and engineers. Additionally Romans invented other types of Abacus such as the dust Abacus, the line Abacus, the grooved Abacus.

Nevertheless, the abacus is still a trusted tool used by shopkeepers in Asia, and Chinatowns in North America, as well as by merchants, traders and clerks in parts of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Africa. The word abacus was derived from the Latin word ‘abakon’ or ‘abax.’ It is a powerful device for arithmetic calculations, which was introduced between 300 and 500 BC. At the time of inventing, it traveled through various countries. The suanpan, one of the innovative Chinese abacuses, which had 2/5 decks, but it had more difficulty; so, it was replaced by a Japanese Soroban abacus, which was improved by a popular mathematician Seki Kowa.

Abacus is divided into the upper and the lower part by a horizontal bar known as the Beam. It is to be kept in mind that the Abacus is to be kept on the desk in such a manner that the direction of the right hand should coincide with the wire of the Abacus. Roman culture could have been introduced to China as early as 166 C.E., during the Han Dynasty, as Roman emperor Antoninus Pius’ embassies to China spread along the Silk Road.

Chinese Abacus

Abacus is a device consisting of a frame with rows of wires consisting of beads. It is a hand-operated device used for calculation and is bound to have some human error. It can be used for performing calculations such as multiplication, addition, and division. Earlier operations like counting were performed on hands or using Vedic maths but larger operations require more calculations. Therefore there was a need for a development tool for such calculations. It was India’s first calculator used in Asia, Europe, and Russia.

Who Invented Abacus? Types and Uses

The counting board is a piece of wood, stone or metal with carved grooves or painted lines between which beads, pebbles or metal discs were moved. The abacus is a device, usually of wood (romans made them out of metal and they are made of plastic in modern times), having a frame that holds rods with freely-sliding beads mounted on them. The Abacus is a simple yet powerful tool that can perform complex mathematical calculations. The beads or stones on the Abacus represent numbers and are moved along the rods or wires to perform various operations.

It is however to be kept in mind that the student should be well learnt with numbers upto 100 before they start learning Abacus. The introduction to the Abacus at a very young age will help the students immensely in understanding the basics of numbers, which will in effect play a very major role in their higher education. It also develops the creative and imaginative abilities of the students. Mesopotamia or Sumerian civilization used the first Abacus to count. It is the belief that Old Babylonian scholars have used this Abacus to perform as addition or subtraction of numbers. Today we find the oldest surviving counting board to be the Salamis Tablet.

Abacus, a counting frame, is a primitive yet innovative tool used for arithmetic calculations. Its origin can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and Greece. An abacus typically comprises a wooden or metal frame with rows of beads or stones that slide along rods or wires. The position of the beads denotes their value, and this arrangement aids in performing simple to complex arithmetic operations.

Yes, the abacus is still in use in some parts of the world for counting and to support modern counting devices. Abacus is a multi-sensory, ancient calculating tool that helps children understand math interestingly and easily. Abacus, also known as “Suanpan”, is a Chinese calculator that has been around for over 2,000 years.

Removes the fear of mathematics by making arithmetic calculations easier. It is also said to improve one’s concentration, Listening Skills, Memory, Speed, and accuracy, among other things. “One” would be represented by pushing a single bead from the bottom row in the farthest column on the right to the “up” position, “two” by pushing two, etc. First, make sure each column in the top row has one or two beads per row and each column in the bottom row has four. While starting, all of the beads should be up in the top row, and down in the bottom row.

The old version of the Abacus was a shallow tray that consisted of sand where numbers could be erased easily when needed. It is like a rectangular box consisting of nine vertical rods strung with beads. It is an instrument that is used to calculate or count by using sliding counters and a rod. If you hold out both hands in front of you, palms facing out, you will see that your two thumbs are beside each other and two sets of 4 fingers spread out from there. Similarily, on the schoty, each row has two sets of 4 beads of the same colour on the outside, representing the two sets of 4 fingers and the two inner-most beads of the same colour representing the two thumbs. It is a slab of white marble measuring 149cm in length, 75cm in width and 4.5cm thick, on which are 5 groups of markings.

  • Instead they are simulated as Apps running on desktop computers, smartphones and tablets.
  • Natural numbers are normally used, but some allow simple fractional components (e.g. 1⁄2, 1⁄4, and 1⁄12 in Roman abacus), and a decimal point can be imagined for fixed-point arithmetic.
  • Europe – Roman and Greek abacuses date from around the 4th century BCE.
  • The abacus is also an ancestor of the modern calculator and computer.

In this article, we will discuss what is an abacus, the basic information like who invented it, what is the history of the abacus, what are its different types, and what works have been performed in this field. We will also look into some of the uses and achievements of Abacus. Later, the soroban was introduced at the end of the 19th century on which each rod included one five-unit counter and four one-unit counters. The functionality of the soroban operation was mentioned in arithmetic compiled books of national grade-school by the Education Ministry in 1938. In about 700 ce, the Hindus invented a numeral system that made adding with written numbers as easy as adding on an abacus. The Arabs soon adopted this system, and they introduced it into Europe more than 1,000 years ago.